Saturday, November 29, 2014

Trivia of the Day: TV "Cat"-alog

Name the correct TV kitty. 

1. What Nickelodeon show was set in "Toecheese, Illinois," and featured a fat, dumb cat and a neurotic Chihuahua?

"Neurotic Chihuahua" is redundant.

2. What is the name of the silver Persian cat that is the corporate mascot of the Fancy Feast?

3. What's the name of the TV cartoon cat who lives with the Nutmeg family, has a feline girlfriend named Sonja, and likes to torment Spike, the neighborhood dog? 

Hint: he's the poor man's Garfield. 

4. Kit, a gray Siamese, is transformed into a human named Katrina on what series?

And thus made the show even dumber
than the fashion is spawned.

5. On an episode of "Friends," Phoebe thinks a stray cat is the reincarnated soul of what person? 

It's not Coolio.


1. "Ren & Stimpy"
2. Gimmel
3. Heathcliff
4. "Charmed"
5. Her mother

Source: Uncle John's Trivia Quiz

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