Friday, November 21, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Hourglasses

You might say I ran out of ideas for trivia topics today.

1. What poisonous spider can be identified by a small red hourglass-shaped marking on the underside of its abdomen?

2. What soap opera starts with the phrase, "Like sands through the hourglass..."

" are the mistresses and wives."

3. What famed explorer kept eighteen hourglasses in his ship to keep time for ship's logs?


4. What musical brothers went to L.A. in the 1960's and recorded two albums under the name "Hourglass"?

Here's a picture that might help...
if everybody didn't look identical in the 60's.

5. What is the name of the My Little Pony that has the hourglass mark on its flank?


1. Black widow
2. "Days of Our Lives"
3. Magellan
4. Duane and Gregg Allman 
5. Dr. Hooves

Source: Mental Floss Trivia

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