Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Trivia of the Day: General Knowledge

1. What former "Saturday Night Live: Weekend Update" news anchor constantly reminded us that "the Germans love David Hasselhoff?

But honestly, who doesn't?

2. What major handicap did Beethoven suffer from toward the end of his life?

Aside from Resting Bitch Face?

3. What island did Napoleon Bonaparte escape from exile in 1815?

I would love to be exiled on an island. 

4. In which of the Rocky movies was "Mr. T" featured?

5. What are the plastic things on the ends of shoelaces called?

They're not "shoelace teeth,"
like I thought until age twenty-two.


1. Norm McDonald
2. Deafness
3. Elba
4. "Rocky III"
5. Aglets

Source: Brainstormer Pub Quiz

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