Thursday, November 20, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Hitler

Trivia about history's favorite asshole.

1. How many Berlin streets are named after Hitler?

A) Zero
B) One
C) Two
D) Five

They call it, "Genocidal Madman Court."

2. In what year was Hitler named "Person of the Year" by Time Magazine?

A) 1938
B) 1924
C) 1945
D) 1942

This happened.

3. What was the name of Hitler's book?

A) The Doctrine of Fascism
B) Das Kapital
C) Mein Kampf
D) Anecdotes of a Douche

This isn't it. 
But it should be.

4. To which art school did Hitler apply -- and get rejected from -- twice?

A) Vienna Academy of Fine Arts
B) Bauhaus Universitat
C) Cambridge School of Art
D) Copenhagen Art School

5. What was the name of Hitler's pet German Shepherd?

A) Ghost
B) Divinity
C) Blondi
D) Frank


1. A -- Zero
2. A -- 1938
3. C -- "Mein Kampf"
4. A -- Vienna Academy of Fine Arts
5. C -- Blondi

Source: Trivial Pursuit

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