Sunday, November 30, 2014

Trivia of the Day: General Knowledge

Answer each question! Correctly!

1. "Anchors Aweigh" is the official song of what organization?

2. In the Bible, who went to live in the Land of Nod after killing his brother?

3. With the press of a button in Washington, D.C., which U.S. President turned on the lights of the Empire State Building on May 1, 1931?

I always vacuum in my heels.

4. In "Star Trek," what color shirt was worn by the people most likely to die in the episode?

5. According to the Panamerican Karate Federation, what is the order of the following karate belts: blue, green, yellow.

Teaching five-year-olds to protect themselves
from the air for 2000 years.


1. The U.S. Navy
2. Cain (he killed Abel)
3. President Herbert Hoover
4. Red
5. Yellow, blue, green

Source: Brainstormer Pub Quiz

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