Sunday, November 30, 2014

Trivia of the Day: General Knowledge

Answer each question! Correctly!

1. "Anchors Aweigh" is the official song of what organization?

2. In the Bible, who went to live in the Land of Nod after killing his brother?

3. With the press of a button in Washington, D.C., which U.S. President turned on the lights of the Empire State Building on May 1, 1931?

I always vacuum in my heels.

4. In "Star Trek," what color shirt was worn by the people most likely to die in the episode?

5. According to the Panamerican Karate Federation, what is the order of the following karate belts: blue, green, yellow.

Teaching five-year-olds to protect themselves
from the air for 2000 years.


1. The U.S. Navy
2. Cain (he killed Abel)
3. President Herbert Hoover
4. Red
5. Yellow, blue, green

Source: Brainstormer Pub Quiz

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Trivia of the Day: TV "Cat"-alog

Name the correct TV kitty. 

1. What Nickelodeon show was set in "Toecheese, Illinois," and featured a fat, dumb cat and a neurotic Chihuahua?

"Neurotic Chihuahua" is redundant.

2. What is the name of the silver Persian cat that is the corporate mascot of the Fancy Feast?

3. What's the name of the TV cartoon cat who lives with the Nutmeg family, has a feline girlfriend named Sonja, and likes to torment Spike, the neighborhood dog? 

Hint: he's the poor man's Garfield. 

4. Kit, a gray Siamese, is transformed into a human named Katrina on what series?

And thus made the show even dumber
than the fashion is spawned.

5. On an episode of "Friends," Phoebe thinks a stray cat is the reincarnated soul of what person? 

It's not Coolio.


1. "Ren & Stimpy"
2. Gimmel
3. Heathcliff
4. "Charmed"
5. Her mother

Source: Uncle John's Trivia Quiz

Friday, November 28, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Fairy Tales

Multiple choice!

1. In the well-known fairy tale "Puss in Boots," a cat helps its master go from rags to riches through a series of clever ploys. What special function did the boots offer the cat?

A) They protected its feet while walking outdoors
B) While wearing the boots, the cat could walk and talk like a man
C) They allowed him to travel at great speed and become invisible
D) They gave the cat a power of persuasion that no listener could resist

There's nothing in the story about an awesome hat and a potbelly.
But there should be.

2. Snow White's stepmother was driven to her wicked deeds by envy when her magic mirror told her that Snow White, not she, was "the fairest of them all." This was weird because:

A) Snow White was only seven years old
B) The mirror was a gift from Snow White herself
C) Until then, the queen had been famed for her goodness and charity
D) She and Snow White were both rather plump

This bitch has problems. 

3. After Hansel and Gretel have slain the witch and escaped from the gingerbread cottage, one final obstacle confronts them as they make their way home. What is it?

A) A solid wall of thorns, which opens at a touch from the witch's hand
B) A gate guarded by an evil dwarf who is slain by a passing huntsman
C) A deep ravine over which a mighty wind blows them like dry leaves
D) A body of water which they cross with help from a kindly duck

You never escape from a gingerbread house.
I don't care if someone is trying to kill you.

4. Before Snow White's wicked stepmother gave her the poisoned apple, she had tried to kill her on two previous occasions but was foiled by the seven dwarves. First, the queen laced Snow White's corset so tightly that she fell unconscious and appeared dead. Secondly, the queen tried to kill Snow White by giving her:

A) An enchanted knife that would stab its wielder
B) A covered basket containing an asp
C) A poisoned comb
D) A bouquet of sweet-smelling but deadly flowers

Ah, the dead child stock photo.
Always appropriate.

5. The folklore of many lands includes the tale of a character variously known as Rashin Coatie (Scotland), Aschenputtel (Germany), Zezolla (Italy), and Yeh-hsien (China). To us, however, the character is more familiarly known as:

A) Red Riding Hood
B) Pinocchio
C) Rumpelstiltskin
D) Cinderella

I don't know how to pronounce any of those words.


1. A -- They protected its feet while walking outdoors
2. A -- Snow White was only seven years old
3. D -- A body of water which they cross with help from a kindly duck (???)
4. C -- A poisoned comb
5. D -- Cinderella


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Thanksgiving Edition

1. At what New World colony was the first American Thanksgiving celebrated?

Hint: its (unofficial) mascot is a rock. 

2. This annual parade was first held in 1924 and has become one of the most popular customs of Thanksgiving Day celebrations. Which company hosts it?

This company also hosts some of the 
worst prom dresses ever. 

3. While digesting your holiday meal, you might settle in front of the TV to watch a football game. Traditionally, two NFL teams host games on Thanksgiving Day. Name them.

I don't care because cheerleaders.

4. In the U.S., Thanksgiving is celebrated in November. In what month do Canadians celebrate the holiday?

5. Which twentieth century president briefly shifted the day of Thanksgiving from the last Thursday in November to one week earlier to allow for an extra week of holiday shopping?

The man was a beautiful genius.
But the world wasn't ready.


1. Plymouth/Plimouth/Colony of New Plymouth
2. Macy's (department store)
3. Detroit Lions and Dallas Cowboys
4. October
5. Franklin Roosevelt 

Source: Brainstormer Pub Quiz

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Advertising Slogans

Name the product associated with each slogan.

1. "The Ultimate Driving Machine."

This isn't the answer. 
But it should be. 

2. "The incredible, edible egg."

Is it an advertisement slogan for...eggs?

3. "The world on time."

So it's NOT the USPS?

4. "Fly the friendly skies."

Or you could just...stay home.

5. "Fair and balanced."


1. BMW
2. The American Egg Board (???)
3. FedEx 
4. United Airlines
5. Fox News (???)

Source: Brainstormer Pub Quiz

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Cop Out

True or false!

1. "Chips" was the name of William Shatner's TV cop show during the 1980's.

Space captain + police sergeant = TOTAL DREAMBOAT.

2. The first full-time organized police department was formed in Boston, Massachusetts.

Is it really that surprising?

3. After drug abuse and driving under the influence, public drunkenness is the third most common reason for a suspect being arrested in the U.S.

Why would they suspect her of public drunkenness?

4. Fort Dix prison has the highest prison occupancy.

Of course it's fully occupied.
Why would you want to stay away?

5. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Texas has the most women on death row.

I...wouldn't be surprised.


1. False -- T.J. Hooker
2. True
3. True
4. False -- theft/larceny
5. False -- California

Source: Brainstormer Pub Quiz

Monday, November 24, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Cheerleaders

Name the cheerleading team that corresponds with each NFL or NBA team.

1. Carolina Panthers

I'm sure they're wet for some functional reason.

2. Brooklyn Nets

I love cheerleaders. 
But these gals don't look like cheerleaders.
They look like something else.

3. New Orleans Saints

She's wearing gold sparkles and knee-high black boots.
Just like all the saints before her.

4. Jacksonville Jaguars

Do you think she knows that's a 
cheetah on her boobs?

5. Seattle Seahawks 

It's weird that they all forgot their pants.


1. Carolina Topcats
2. Brooklynettes
3. New Orleans Saintsations
4. Jacksonville ROAR
5. Seattle Sea-gals


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Trivia of the Day: General Knowledge

1. How many railroads in the classic U.S. version of the board game Monopoly?

Did anyone ever win this game? Ever?

2. Which "Party of Five" cast member starred in the "Scream" trilogy?

And thus, witnessed its inevitable demise?

3. People who suffer from retropulsion have a tendency to involuntarily do what?

It's not vomiting. Surprisingly. 

4. What brand of cigarette claimed that more doctors smoked its cigarettes than any other cigarette? 

5. In 2001, Pamela Anderson disclosed that she was suffering from what life-threatening disease?

It's not scabies, even though it looks like it should be. 


1. Four
2. Neve Campbell
3. Walk backwards
4. Camel 
5. Hepatitis C

Source: Brainstormer Pub Quiz

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Trivia of the Day: The Simpsons

1. Who founded Springfield?

That coonskin hat made it all possible.

2. What did Homer smuggle on board the space shuttle?

3. What initials are on the side of Homer's head?

If YOU have initials on your head,
you should maybe rethink your life decisions.

4. Who practices medicine without a license?

5. From what appliance did Homer get the idea for his new name, Max Power?

Hint: he had no use for it.


1. Jebediah Springfield
2. Ruffles
3. "M.G." for Matt Groening 
4. Dr. Nick
5. A hair dryer


Friday, November 21, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Hourglasses

You might say I ran out of ideas for trivia topics today.

1. What poisonous spider can be identified by a small red hourglass-shaped marking on the underside of its abdomen?

2. What soap opera starts with the phrase, "Like sands through the hourglass..."

" are the mistresses and wives."

3. What famed explorer kept eighteen hourglasses in his ship to keep time for ship's logs?


4. What musical brothers went to L.A. in the 1960's and recorded two albums under the name "Hourglass"?

Here's a picture that might help...
if everybody didn't look identical in the 60's.

5. What is the name of the My Little Pony that has the hourglass mark on its flank?


1. Black widow
2. "Days of Our Lives"
3. Magellan
4. Duane and Gregg Allman 
5. Dr. Hooves

Source: Mental Floss Trivia