Thursday, December 11, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Royalty

Answer these questions about some of the world worst royal pains.

1. Which grandmother to Queen Elizabeth II was too miserly to buy her own nice things, so she'd pinch them from friends and hapless subjects?

A) Queen Mary
B) Queen Isabella
C) Queen Catherine
D) Queen Anne

All that stuff she's wearing
was pilfered from a Zales outlet.

2. What Prince of Monaco disapproved of his daughter's liaisons with gardeners, bodyguards, and married elephant trainers -- before she finally settled down with a circus acrobat?

A) Prince Rainier III
B) Prince Albert II
C) Prince Louis II
D) Prince Charles III

It wasn't this guy.
But it should've been.

3. During World War II, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor were so chummy with the Nazis that Winston Churchill sent them where?

A) Germany
B) Poland
C) Austria
D) The Bahamas

It was not what you'd call
a "severe" punishment.

4. What Empress of ancient Rome murdered her husband to put her son Nero on the throne -- only to have the boy assassinate her?

A) Livia Drusilla
B) Poppaea Sabina
C) Agrippina the Younger
D) Claudia Octavia

Worst. Kid. Ever. 

5. Now admired for her devotion to a healthy lifestyle, what duchess was once best known for photos of a beau who paid too much attention to her toes?

A) Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York
B) Cecily Neville, Duchess of York
C) Elizabeth Monck, Duchess of Albemarle
D) Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort

Toes can never have too much attention.


1. A -- Queen Mary
2. A -- Prince Rainier III
3. D -- The Bahamas
4. C -- Agrippina the Younger
5. A -- Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York

Source: Uncle John's Trivia

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