Friday, December 12, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Alcohol

Name that booze. 

1. This European spirit, whose sale was once illegal in the United States, contains 15 different herbs, including wormwood, which shares a toxic element also found in marijuana?

Fun fact: it gets you REALLY drunk.

2. What clear Italian cinnamon flavored schnapps has about $2 worth of gold leaf flakes in each 750 mL bottle?

The favorite drink of teenage girls who don't know any better.

3. What cordial, made with fine French cognac infused with tropical oranges, sells for between $40 and $225?

So basically, this thing costs more than most of my shoes.

4. What liquor claims to be charcoal mellowed drop by drop?

Why would you boast about that?

5. One of the relatively new liqueurs, this Japanese product was launched in the U.S. and was associated with the movie "Saturday Night Fever." Which liqueur is this?

Hint: the main ingredient is green. 


1. Absinthe
2. Goldschlager
3. Chambord Royale
4. Jack Daniels
5. Midori

Source: Uncle John's Trivia

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