Monday, December 22, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Alaska

1. How much money did the United States pay for Alaska when it was bought from Russia?

A) $4.5 million
B) $6.3 million
C) $6.9 million
D) $7.2 million

That'll buy you a lot of soul-shatteringly frigid tundra.

2. Alaska is home of the famous Iditarod Sled Dog Race, a course from Anchorage to Nome with an official distance of how many miles?

A) 1,049
B) 850
C) 1,200
D) 1,500

Meanwhile, my dog is dressed 
in a bunny suit because it's Tuesday.

3. This singer, songwriter, poet, and yodeler, who gained fame in the 1990's, lived most of her childhood in Homer, Alaska. 

A) Bjork
B) Jewel
C) Mirah
D) Tori Amos

Hint: she bitched about it 
in a book of bad poetry.

4. What 58-mile-wide body of water is all that separates Alaska (and North America in general) from Russia?

A) Bering Strait
B) Gulf of Alaska
C) Bering Sea
D) East Siberian Sea

5. What is the Alaska state dog?

A) Husky
B) Labrador
C) Alaskan Malamute
D) St. Bernard

Hint: it's obvious.


1. D -- $7.2 million
2. A -- 1,049
3. B -- Jewel
4. A -- Bering Strait
5. C -- Alaskan Malamute

Source: Uncle John's Trivia

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