Saturday, December 27, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Black and White

1. Which black-and-white treat became the best-selling cookie of the 20th century?

And in so doing,
spawned a bazillion knockoffs?

2. At cocktail time, what ingredient makes all the difference between a black Russian and a White Russian?

I don't care because alcohol.

3. You probably see one every day: what kind of vehicle is also known as a "black and white"?

I only see them as the cars that stop me
from driving like awesomeness personified. 

4. Which Dutch graphic artist created mathematically intricate lithographs of black-and-white interlocking figures?

And created many headaches?

5. A black Scottish terrier and a white Westie terrier were the canine models in ads for what Scotch whiskey?

I don't care because alcohol.


1. Oreos
2. Cream
3. Police cruiser
4. M.C. Escher
5. "Black & White" whiskey

Source: Uncle John's Trivia

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