Saturday, December 27, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Black and White

1. Which black-and-white treat became the best-selling cookie of the 20th century?

And in so doing,
spawned a bazillion knockoffs?

2. At cocktail time, what ingredient makes all the difference between a black Russian and a White Russian?

I don't care because alcohol.

3. You probably see one every day: what kind of vehicle is also known as a "black and white"?

I only see them as the cars that stop me
from driving like awesomeness personified. 

4. Which Dutch graphic artist created mathematically intricate lithographs of black-and-white interlocking figures?

And created many headaches?

5. A black Scottish terrier and a white Westie terrier were the canine models in ads for what Scotch whiskey?

I don't care because alcohol.


1. Oreos
2. Cream
3. Police cruiser
4. M.C. Escher
5. "Black & White" whiskey

Source: Uncle John's Trivia

Friday, December 26, 2014

Trivia Chick in San Francisco!

Hi all,

I'll be hosting a new trivia night in San Francisco at a hip little place called Viracocha on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 at 7:30 pm. There is a cover charge of $10 required at the door. Bring your family/friends/enemies and show them all how awesome you are. The trivia included in my blog may be featured on any given trivia night, so study up! Play individually or in a group (but please be aware that groups are limited to four people). First, second, and third place team members each win prizes from Best Buy, Barnes and Noble, Fandango, Amazon, Coldstone, and more!

See you there!

988 Valencia Street
San Francisco, Ca
(415) 374-7048

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Christmas Edition

Merry Christmas, gentiles!

1. What is the shape of the candy cane modeled after?

A) A fish hook
B) A constellation
C) The can St. Nicholas used
D) A shepherd's crook

I don't care because candy canes.

2. What is the name of the dog that belonged to the Grinch in Dr. Seuss' book, "How the Grinch stole Christmas"? 

A) Rudolph
B) Toto
C) Max
D) Cerberus

This dog may have been
subject to animal abuse.

3. Which star led the Three Kings to Jesus?

A) Star of David
B) North Star
C) Star of Bethlehem
D) Angel Star

It really wasn't a sound idea to follow a star.

4. Where did the real St. Nicholas live?

A) Holland
B) North Pole
C) Turkey
D) Germany

5. Which of these events did not occur on Christmas Day?

A) Hong Kong fell the Japanese in WWII
B) Ebenezer Scrooge was visited by four ghosts
C) King Arthur pulled Excalibur from the stone
D) Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor

What kind of a name is Ebenezer?


1. D -- A shepherd's cook
2. C -- Max
3. C -- Star of Bethlehem 
4. C -- Turkey
5. B -- Ebenezer Scrooge was visited by four ghosts


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Trivia Chick in San Francisco!

Hi all,

I'll be hosting a new trivia night in San Francisco at a hip little place called Viracocha on Tuesday, December 30, 2014 at 7:30 pm. There is a cover charge of $10 required at the door. Bring your family/friends/enemies and show them all how awesome you are. The trivia included in my blog may be featured on any given trivia night, so study up! Play individually or in a group (but please be aware that groups are limited to four people). First, second, and third place team members each win prizes from Best Buy, Barnes and Noble, Fandango, Amazon, Coldstone, and more!

See you there!

988 Valencia Street
San Francisco, Ca
(415) 374-7048

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Sporting Life

1. What U.S. team is the first professional franchise in any sport to reach 10,000 losses?

Just kidding.
The XFL didn't even make it to 10,000 fans.

2. In what movie does a queen play croquet with hedgehogs for balls and flamingos for mallets?

This woman might need medication.

3. During the beheading of his second wife, Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII was playing what sport?

In his defense, beheadings were kind of
common then so missing one wasn't really a big deal.

4. Though its name means "gentle way," what modern Japanese martial art has a goal of throwing one's opponent to the ground?

Gentle like a linoleum floor.

5. What song by Queen is a victory anthem at sporting events?

Best victory dance ever.


1. Philadelphia Phillies
2. "Alice in Wonderland"
3. Tennis
4. Judo
5. "We Are the Champions"

Source: Uncle John's Trivia

Monday, December 22, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Alaska

1. How much money did the United States pay for Alaska when it was bought from Russia?

A) $4.5 million
B) $6.3 million
C) $6.9 million
D) $7.2 million

That'll buy you a lot of soul-shatteringly frigid tundra.

2. Alaska is home of the famous Iditarod Sled Dog Race, a course from Anchorage to Nome with an official distance of how many miles?

A) 1,049
B) 850
C) 1,200
D) 1,500

Meanwhile, my dog is dressed 
in a bunny suit because it's Tuesday.

3. This singer, songwriter, poet, and yodeler, who gained fame in the 1990's, lived most of her childhood in Homer, Alaska. 

A) Bjork
B) Jewel
C) Mirah
D) Tori Amos

Hint: she bitched about it 
in a book of bad poetry.

4. What 58-mile-wide body of water is all that separates Alaska (and North America in general) from Russia?

A) Bering Strait
B) Gulf of Alaska
C) Bering Sea
D) East Siberian Sea

5. What is the Alaska state dog?

A) Husky
B) Labrador
C) Alaskan Malamute
D) St. Bernard

Hint: it's obvious.


1. D -- $7.2 million
2. A -- 1,049
3. B -- Jewel
4. A -- Bering Strait
5. C -- Alaskan Malamute

Source: Uncle John's Trivia

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Trivia of the Day: General Knowledge

1. A ten-year-old grilled cheese sandwich went up for sale on eBay in 2004. Its owner said it bore the image of what famous person?

Hint: the owner was a f-----g idiot.

2. In college basketball, what Big East hoops teams square off when the Hoyas meet the Orangemen?

I don't even think the players
know what the mascots are.

3. Which American state's name literally means "Place of the Gods"?

Hint: it's not florida. 

4. In the movie, "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," what character finds the third golden ticket and remarks, "I'm a gum chewer, normally. But when I heard about these ticket things of Mr. Wonka's, I laid off the gum and switched to candy bars."

It should've been called,
"Willy Wonka and the Lawsuit Factory."

5. Which D.J. and recording artist claims he can trace his ancestry to Herman Melville?

Apparently Melville was a douche.


1. Virgin Mary
2. Georgetown vs. Syracuse
3. Hawaii
4. Violet Beauregard
5. Moby

Source: Brainstormer Pub Quiz

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Trivia of the Day: O.K. Animals

Every answer is an animal whose name begins with "O" or "K."

1. What is the only marsupial native to North America?

Marsupial is slang for "hellmouth demon."

2. The call of what Australian bird is regularly described as sounding like human laughter?

Hopefully not this human.

3. What wild, spotted cat did Salvador Dali keep as an exotic pet?

4. In Edgar Allen Poe's 1841 short story, "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," the murderer turns out to be what kind of animal?

Contrary to the poster, the answer is not 
"green-faced jelly monster."

5. Name this largest living species of bird, some of which have weighed in at nearly 350 pounds.

And then call it fat.
It dares you.


1. Opossum
2. Kookaburra 
3. Ocelot
4. Orangutan 
5. Ostrich

Source: Uncle John's Trivia 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Fashion

1. Who designed Madonna's cone bra?

He also designed a giant asshole.

2. Who is editor-in-chief at American Vogue?

AKA: the most terrifying woman in the world.

3. At which fashion show was Naomi Campbell modeling when she slipped on her platform shoes?

And she still looked flawless. 

4. What accessories are Manolo Blahnik, Christian Louboutin, and Jimmy Choo all associated with?

5. What footwear did Nancy Sinatra sing about?

Hint: the song is the same one that 
Jessica Simpson butchered in 2005.


1. John Paul Gaultier
2. Anna Wintour
3. Vivienne Westwood
4. Shoes
5. Boots

Source: Uncle John's Trivia

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Science Fair

1. When a moon is in its new moon phase, what do we see?

I see a load of crap.

2. Coal, oil, and natural gas are examples of what types of fuels?

"...I'm living below the soil,
I'll be back but I'm comin' as oil..."

3. Which are smaller, bacteria or viruses?

Whatever, they both leave me looking flawless. 

4. An animal that eats both plants and animals is called what?


5. Human adults have how many permanent teeth?

Adult hockey players have half the average number.


1. Nothing
2. Fossil fuels
3. Viruses
4. Omnivores
5. 32

Source: Uncle John's Trivia

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Trivia of the Day: 50/50, pt. 2

Take a guess.

1. In 2007, scientists announced a study showing that people of which sex -- male or female -- evolved faster because they were genetically simpler?

The study also showed the best (or worst) 
backhanded compliment to anyone ever. 

2. Which organization was established first: Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac?

Who cares they're both douchebags. 

3. In the Bible, are there more books in the Old Testament or the New Testament accepted by all major Christian faiths?

Whatever I'm not really a religious person. 

4. When Antony and Cleopatra were first introduced a few years after the assassination of Julius Caesar, which of the two owned a navy?

According to Katy Perry, 
Cleopatra owned a vast array of grills. 

5. With which artist did Paul McCartney first score a U.S. number one hit: Michael Jackson or Stevie Wonder?

I...don't think we needed clarification.


1. Females
2. Fannie May
3. Old Testament
4. Cleopatra
5. Stevie Wonder

Source: Brainstormer Pub Quiz

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Trivia of the Day: Brothers and Sisters

Each question or answer includes the word "sister(s)" or "brother(s)."

1. On what TV show do we meet brother and sister Brandon and Brenda Walsh, played by Jason Priestly and Shannen Doherty?

We also met her weird eye.

2. What two 9th-century German scholars who were best known for publishing a collection of fairy tales?

They were also known for being pretty f-----d up.

3. As a child, Dee Snider sang in the church choir but went on to Heavy Metal Mania and fronted for which hard rock band?

"Ahh-mayyy-zing graaace, how sweet the sound..."

4. "Back in the Habit" was the subtitle of the follow-up to what 1992 movie?

Just FYI, there's a porn version of this movie. 
You sicko. 

5. Russian novelist Fyoder Dostoyevsky wrote about which brothers in his longest and final novel?

It's a fun beach read.


1. "Beverly Hills, 90210"
2. Brothers Grimm
3. Twisted Sister
4. "Sister Act"
5. "The Brothers Karamazov" 

Source: Brainstormer Pub Quiz